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5 Health Benefits of Coconut Sugar, from Diabetes Drugs to Good for the Gut

04 Jul 2021 • 07:26:05

1. Can Help Treat Diabetes

Coconut sugar contains a fiber known as insulin which helps slow down glucose absorption, which is great for people dealing with diabetes problemsSince it contains about 15 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates like regular refined sugar, people with diabetes can use coconut sugar as a sweetener, but use it in moderation.

2. Has Lots of Nutrients

According to the Food and Research Institute, about twice as much iron and zinc are found in coconut sugar as in granulated sugar.

3. Lose Weight

Coconut sugar tends to contribute to fat deposition because it has a lower fructose content than regular sugar. The fructose you get from fruits is healthy and good. But refined sugar has high levels of fructose, which is unhealthy.

4. Contain Low Fat

Fructose is a sugar variant that is easily converted into fat by the body. The breakdown of sugar into fat is assisted by the liver and leads to the formation of triglycerides.  An increase in triglycerides in the blood can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high levels of bad cholesterol, and low levels of good cholesterol. Because head sugar has fructose that is not easily broken down, so this sugar is able to control the increase in triglycerides.

5. Good For Intestines

The fiber content in coconut sugar has the ability to increase the growth of intestinal bifidobacteria. These bifidobacteria have been known to help restore the good bacteria in the gut and also boost your immunity.




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